I’m sitting in somewhat disbelief that November is halfway over. Where has it gone? I’m not even sure if I could tell you what we’ve done this month. I’m going to have to dig down and resuscitate my inner Pollyanna to be thankful that I still have half of November left. 😉
Things have been much quieter around the ol’ blog than I had been planning. I have lots swirling around in my head and heart and I’m itching to get it down in writing to help me process this messy, wonderful journey, but I find at the end of the day I just need to find my pillow and sleep.
Mind if I share some of the exciting, overwhelming things currently going on in our lives?
We have a contract on a house and we couldn’t be more thrilled! It’s five acres in the country and many of the dreams we’ve been cradling for the past 4-5 years are so close to coming into fruition. It’s exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. Do we really have what it takes to be good stewards of this place?
I am now 32 weeks pregnant with our fifth child. And I’m under “orders” from my midwives to not lift anything over 10 lbs due to diastasis and a small hernia. For perspective, a gallon of water weighs 8 lbs. Yeah, this should prove interesting.
There is a chance that we will be able to move into the home before closing if we can get things resolved in time. This actually makes me very excited because that means we will have a few weeks to get settled before our new baby girl makes her arrival. This also means that I’m going to be packing a house for the second time in 5 months. *insert me giving two thumbs down!*
Throw in the holidays, unpacking, homeschooling 3 kiddos, and getting ready for the baby and my laugh begins to sound a bit maniacal. It’s all good stuff. These things that make up my crazy, blessed life. I’m just not sure how much attention I’ll be able to give here. I’m hopeful I’ll be able to put up a post a week, but if it remains quiet you’ll know why.
The things that are happening right now, in real life with the precious ones who surround me, this is what it’s all about.
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